Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunshine in the countryside

There is something magnificent about running through the country after it has been raining.  Everything seems to glow in brighter shades of green, under clear skies...or maybe that is just the musings of my glucose deprived brain.

I ran 12 km yesterday, and would like to think that it was more than just my imagination that made me think that my first batch of interval training the other day had already helped lengthen my stride.

It was a good run, at a decent pace, and even seemed to have unusually theraputic effects on my sore shins!  Who ever heard of a 12 km run curing leg pain?

Before my run I scouted out a couple of hill trails that I thought had looked promising on the map, but in person were ominous and filled with thundering logging trucks driven by hairy, leering men!  Might have to re-think some of my hill training locations.  I want to train somewhere that I am less likely to get run over, and maybe even come across some other trail runners.  That seems to be the draw back of living and training where I do.  It is pretty flat almost everywhere, and available hill routes consist mainly of roads.  I wish that I had access to a Mt Iron, or Mt John, or even the streets of Dunedin (where I grew up).  You never have to go very far in Dunedin to find a good hill to run up. No wonder the amazing young Whitney Dagg (or Anna Frost for that matter) have turned into such trail running super stars! Even Christchurch has the bridle path.  My trail training will prevale though.

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